So Much Pain

grief croppedAll women are sisters.  If you don’t believe me, write about a miscarriage and see what happens.  A week ago I described my own experience, now more than 30 years old — memories made fresh by a private newsletter conversation.

Two amazing (but not surprising) realities emerged:  1) This is one pain that stays right there – buried under daily events and worries and happy times — but not gone.  Never gone.  2) It is a gift to have a place to discuss or describe the things that wound us, change us, leave silent but permanent marks.   Offering that space is one particular gift women give to one another.  Here are three who shared my “place:”

Nobody ever talks about it but the reality is that many people have been through it (multiple times even) and I think there is comfort in shared grief.

I like to be tidy with emotions (I never am – HA!), but the grief I feel about these losses have a layer of guilt around them – as if I shouldn’t be so upset. But I am.

I am in tears! I was on Facebook, saw your post on miscarriage and just oh my goodness. I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year. It been hard, but it’s made so much harder that the whole subject has a weird taboo around it. It’s not like people won’t ask me when I’m planning to have kids. I’ve heard a thousand times “when are you going to have children?” and had to make light of a situation that I was still really sad about.

That’s all.

My Miscarriage: Memories that Don’t Fade

A Lost Possibility: Women on Miscarriage - from The Nib
A Lost Possibility: Women on Miscarriage – by Ryan Alexander-Tanner, from The Nib

NOTE: In a newsletter,  Nona Willis Aronowitz posted two stories about miscarriages.  As I began to respond, this emerged:

My sons are 40 and 35.  Between them I had a miscarriage.  She was a girl.  It was the first day I had told anyone I was pregnant and begun wearing maternity clothes.

It happened on Election Night 1978 and I was in the studio producing the “house desk” results.

When the pain got serious I raced home, lost most of the fetus in the bathroom, and called our OB.  We went immediately to the hospital; in the morning I had a D and C.   It was devastating.

Then came the reaction:
VP of News:  You work too hard.
Secretary to Pres of News:  What were you doing working all night?  Didn’t you want this baby?

On the other hand, I also got notes from people ranging from my aunt to a colleague, all with the same message:  “I’ve never told anyone before but I had a miscarriage (anywhere from 1 to 30) years ago.”  The pain for each was still real.

I was lucky though.  My OB was from Czechoslovakia.   He had a real (maybe European, maybe Socialist, maybe just father of daughters) respect for professional women and, as he had been in my first pregnancy was wonderfully supportive.  He ran a cell test to determine whether there was a distinguishable cause (there was – a serious genetic issue – although we didn’t learn that for months, it has been a comfort.)  He explained the D and C, urged us to take time to grieve but also reminded us that we were far from finished with efforts to have more kids, kept me in the hospital an extra day so I could pull myself together before I went home and had to tell our nearly-three-year-old son.

He wanted to know where the baby went.  I just couldn’t handle a literal answer so even though I wasn’t at that time religious at all I told him the baby was with God.  I needed him to understand that she was somewhere where she would be as loved as he was on 79th and Broadway.

Several years later when I worked at TODAY, with the support of our Executive Producer,  I produced a series about miscarriages.  The narrator was an OB himself, one of the TODAY stable of experts.  I’m not naming him because this is what he told me (to his credit:)   “Thank you so much for doing this series with me.  I’ve been an OB for 25 years and I never realized the pain that this causes women.”  Seriously.  I was grateful that he was emotionally available to admit this but can you imagine?  Never realized.

One more thing – partners are NOT sufficiently supported when this happens. They need FAR more attention than they usually receive.  My husband has said for years that he wished we could have had a funeral or some sort of service so he too could have a vehicle to grieve.

NONA thank you so much for raising this and for the links to those powerful pieces.  The graphic one was particularly evocative as it reminded me of small moments I’d forgotten.

For the record – our second son was born 2 years later.  Both my boys are fabulous men and exquisite spouses and dads.  I am grateful for them both and the sorrow of our loss is not in any way linked to how I define my unambiguous and grateful love of them.

Even so – the fact that, 32 years later, the silence and shame and insensitivity remains is a travesty.  Please share this with doctors, nurses, midwives, preschool teachers and others who are on the “front lines.”  Maybe we can help to break the chain.,


Indians2_2 I’m having a very hard time.  For a project, I’ve spent most of Wednesday reading infertility, IVF, adoption and other blogs written by would-be parents who are unable to conceive.  This 25-year old photo is of two boys, my sons, conceived in no time.  Granted there was a miscarriage in between that hit us very hard, but the blessing of these two little boys came rapidly and without incident.

I’m familiar with this issue – I have so many friends with adopted kids — but the articulateness of these women and the agony of repeated technical failures they describe, is unthinkable.  It’s so ironic – years spent in your twenties worrying that you ARE pregnant, then this.

I can’t imagine many experiences more painful — though they existed even in biblical times (remember the pain of Sarah, Hannah and Rachel?) and they’re for a lifetime.  "Do you have kids?" is the classic ice-breaker.  It just reminds me one more time of the blessings in my life.  It’s not that I don’t appreciate my kids every day; as my sons will tell you I’m a bit over the top where they are concerned.  And I’m tiresome on that fact that they’re a blessing and a joy.

What I don’t often consider is the fact that we had them so easily – that they are, quite literally, a gift.  My heart breaks for my sisters not blessed with this privilege – and I won’t soon forget their pain.