Sonia Sotomayor: A Blogger Tour (of Sorts)

Elle_Woods What do Sonia Sotomayor and Elle Woods have in common?  Plenty, according to a wonderful post by the ever-original PunditMom.  That's just one of many, of course.  I'm offering here a kind of tour – mostly of women whose views are notable in one way or another. 

At the ABA Journal, Debra Cassens Weiss offers – and debunks, the four most likely knocks on Judge Sotomayor.

We all love Culture Kitchen's Liza Sabater.  This time she's outdone herself in several intriguing (and some fun) posts on the nomination.  Meanwhile, Jill Tubman's post on "sexist attacks" appears both at New Agenda and Jack and Jill Politics.  There's a video conversation at Laura Flanders  among  Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher,  Lynn Paltrow, Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, and Jose Perez who's a lawyer with Latino Justice.

Thinking about the judge's environmental record?  There's a brief exploration by Karen Murphy at SuperEco.  Want to review more newsy discussion?  Professor Kim Pearson, at Professor Kim's News Notes, has a nice early review.  Jezebel has a survey with a little more attitude, too.

Jen Nedau provides a review of the record and some thoughts beyond and Jill Filipovic a nice exploration of differences of opinion and the judge's underlying value.

Finally, at Tech President, Nancy Scola offers, as usual, an original perspective: just how has the White House put the nomination out, and with what ammo?  It's pretty interesting.

This is just a sprinkling of what's out there; add your own in the comments and I'll include them too.