OK.  I have six deadlines in the next week and I shouldn’t be writing this but I’m struggling with my loyalties here.  I have loved Audrey Hepburn since I was a kid.  As only a short, kind of rounded young woman can look up to a sleek icon with a heart.  AND I love the Internet.  And technology.  And sampling.  And now, I don’t know what to think.

The Gap has taken a scene from Funny Face, when Audrey Hepburn, the young existential book store clerk turned model, on her first trip to Paris, runs off to a smoky coffee house where her philosopher hero (of course he’s a fake and a bit of a cad) hangs out – and decides to dance.  The Gap has taken this essentially sweet scene and sampled it, mashed it up, stuck it into hip hop and multiple-image edits and generally made a cute little commercial about black pants.  It isn’t disrespectful to her – just jazzed up.  And it isn’t in bad taste.  Or anything.  It’s even clever.  It’s also the first time I’ve been this ambivalent about altered images.  I hate colorized movies.  I love sampling in music.  I’ve heard Larry Lessig speak and think he’s right about a lot of his Remix theories.  But this one seems to bring out all of the above.  Here’s the link – what do you think?