This image was just removed from the Sacramento County Republican Party website, according to its Google source. And it’s very disturbing, but  I’m tired.  I admit it.  All these days of Jewish holiday cooking and praying * (not necessarily in that order) have left me frazzled.  So maybe I’m just cranky.  But when I saw this on a search for something else all the anxiety and sadness overcame me. There is hate out there – and the Republicans seem to be finding it useful.

No, the McCain supporters aren’t all like this; capable of dreaming up and posting such a terrible thing.  But they’ve been ginning their crowds into a frenzy and so this "free speech" issue is becoming a life-threatening undertaking.  Generating that kind of distaste so familiar to so many young people will make a big difference.  How that difference plays out will depend on the stars.

I want to write so much more but it has to be tomorrow.  This is a very nervous election; I and many friends get more nervous the larger the margin is.  There’s lots to talk about, although where the debate ranks, not much more than has been said after  But if I don’t go to sleep you won’t want to read what I write; neither of us will understand what the hell I’m trying to say.  More tomorrow.  For now you may want to take a look at the live blog transcript on Writes Like She Talks or the one on BlogHer.

*a post on the same subject from last year.



  1. It’s vile and contemptible. Last night, McCain tried to make Obama’s condemnation of the hate speech at McCain/Palin rallies sound as if Obama were attacking ALL of his supporters, like the veterans. Sheesh. I used to have some respect for McCain but this campaign and the article about his character in the latest “Rolling Stone” have stamped paid to that.

  2. I invite you to focus on the result that you want and not the fear that you are expressing and they are feeding.
    It reminds me of what Mother Thersa said when someone invited her to a war rally, she said no thank you she would rather focus her energy on peace. It is like the “War on drugs” has not worked either.
    It may seem like some to be splitting hairs, except there is a profound difference in the energy of your focus.
    I have also found this election has brought up wonderful contrasts that I have been able to tap and clear use EFT.
    I will be posting some free tapping videos on my youtube channel ProsperityWithEFT concerning this very issue and invite you to tap along with me.
    Michele Price

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