If you were watching C-SPAN at all during the conventions you probably remember the reports from Leslie Bradshaw, who was one of the senior editors of the "Convention Hub," which ran tons of blog posts and tweets and sorted wheat from chaff.  It also let you pull video from C-SPAN archives to insert into blog posts.  Now, Leslie tells me (full disclosure, she is my friend) that they are doing the same for each debate- four sites in all.  They announced the plan on C-SPAN on Friday but I was unable to post about it until now.
Given the live-blogging madness that has overtaken all of us during big speeches, and the high interest the debates are certain to generate – this seems to me a good thing.  So I’m passing the word to you.  Here are the main points (Oh and that’s Leslie next to Susan Swain on C-Span during the conventions):

1. The four sites will launch later this week.
2.  Each website will be a "time capsule" complete with blog posts, tweets, transcripts and video from each debate.
3.  They will also tracking twitter posts with: #debate08, Palin, McCain, Biden and Obama
4.  C-SPAN is also very active, and very popular, on Twitter

I got majorly addicted to these hubs during the conventions and you’ll love them.  You can also submit your own posts, and they will read them and often include them in the crawl.  So, later this week, check it out for yourself.


  1. Hi from ICLW.
    You Americans certainly take your elections very very seriously!! All those twitter blogs and online things!!! I don’t think our politicians are that tech savy yet!!

  2. Here from ICLW. I have to admit I am not that political. I don’t watch conventions, debates, etc. I do vote, I just make my decision early and stick to it.

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