1. It confirms what I’ve seen with my daughter who is in middle school, my college freshman son and my oldest son, graduated from the Army and junior college, on his way to university.
    The ones behind the curve are the instructors. There is so much to be learned, yet kids are constrained to using technology for everything BUT school. Oh, they can write papers on their computers and do research (as long as they don’t use wikipedia…my daughter is barred from that), but online collaboration isn’t being utilized at all for education, nor are social networks.
    I was truly surprised at how behind most instructors are at leveraging technology. Liz Ditz (http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/) blogs periodically about the college courses she’s taking online and how frustrating they are because the technology is so behind what she’s used to doing. Quiz software that doesn’t work, web conferencing gone haywire, etc.
    And then I watch the college freshman fire up the Mac and record his jazz trio critique with the push of one button. When he’s done he fires it off via email to the others in the trio so they know what to practice for next week and I think…why isn’t everyone doing stuff like this?

  2. What wonderful observations! I remember in the early days of the Internet going to the National Educations Computing Conference (fondly known as NECC — http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2007/)
    in 1997 and people were talking about how little teachers knew about how to use technology – and how the ed schools weren’t helping new teachers do any better. Here it is ten years later and it’s still happening! At least now the kids are empowered to do it for themselves.

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