The Ohio uncommitted focus group dials on CNN during tonight’s debate were riveting. Among other things, almost every time Obama stood up to respond the dials went up. Almost every time McCain stood up, the dials went down. If they are at all accurate McCain was having a terrible night. I would give my right (well, maybe my left) arm to be in the spin room tonight and hear what the McCain people are saying to justify this.
The big problem is that it was so uncomfortable to watch. McCain was — well — icky. You didn’t feel sorry for him you just wanted him to stop so you didn’t have to look. Obama was excellent but the thing was so hard to watch that I don’t know if it’s possible to feel good about it. When McCain says you need a strong hand on the tiller it sounded like a commercial for the other guy. I’m just kind of grossed out by pitiful McCainitude. Nobody on TV is saying what I’m seeing though; Buchanan says Obama was being presidential but he didn’t see McCain as pathetic as I did.
The Republican commentators on CNN were actually being pretty hard on McCain’s "looking to the past" and was also "condescending to voters" according to the Republican consultants. They’re being really hard on him. AND they all seem to be assuming that Obama won – "had to stand toe to toe with John McCain and surpass him — and he did." says Gloria Borger. David Gergen says he was "very presidential" BUT "he is black and the polls may not be accurate." He’s talking about the "Bradley effect" issues – people misleading pollsters because they’re embarrassed to say that they won’t vote for an African American. It will be tragic if that’s the case.
Finally, the CNN post-debate poll tonight of 38% D/ 31% R indicates a rout: 54% of independents say Obama won the debate. 30% said McCain so that’s not even all the Republicans. Oh and CBS’s poll has 59% saying Obama won.
The details tell a lot. Here’s a breakdown:
Who did best job? Obama 54% McCain 30%
Who did better on the economy? Obama 59% McCain 37%.
Who expressed his views more clearly? Obama 60% -McCain 30%
Who was more likable? Obama 65%-McCain 28%
Who would better handle Iraq? Obama 54 % McCain 47%
Your opinion of Obama: Positive went from 60% to 64%
Negatives went down — from 38% to 34%
McCain’s favorables stayed at 51% and unfavorables at 46% but he DID win one category: Who would better handle terrorism? McCain 51% Obama 46%. The results are astonishing – Obama in almost every category.
I’m still frightened about race though; I think Gergen is right. These results look great. But when you canvas in Virginia and see how people respond — the reasons they give for "not liking" Obama, you can see it; feel it. And we don’t know how many intentionally didn’t answer the door; how many are better actors and keeping their true feelings hidden. What happens with those voters will determine our future, internationally, politically, economically and racially. This time, more than usual, we’re not just electing a president here – we’re redefining our country.