Big Birthday Memory #24: Time Passes and Pictures Don’t Lie

NOTE: As I approach my 70th birthday, I’ve reposted a milestone post each day. But since tomorrow is The Day I went back and grabbed a bunch of photos – watching years fly by.  Here they are – in no particular order.

60th Birthday – Paris
Cindy ship 1958i
SS Stockholm 1958
cindy plaid dress arond 4th grade
Fourth grade maybe?
peterpan collar148
Around 10th grade

Me hat 1966ish
San Francisco 1972
x Dan hospital pic
Dan arrives 1979
Cindy 6 flags 1975
With very young Josh, spring 1975 Virginia
Cindy Smith College 1965
Smith College 1965

Cindy DC 1969
Dunbarton Oaks 1969 or 70
Cindy 1973
Palo Alto 1972 New Year’s Eve
Cindy EWIP 2014
Exceptional Women in Publishing 2014
Dan and Laura's Wedding June 2012
Dan and Laura’s Wedding June 2012

No Google, Yahoo Mail Won’t Work SO Here We Are In China!

This is not a trick photo. We’re really there!

He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a real man, said Chairman Mao. That’s what it says on this tablet. Pay close attention to the photo to determine why we only made it part of the way.

Yup. Rick fell in Hong Kong and sprained his leg. It really hurts.  We’re traveling with these crutches and using wheelchairs wherever we can because he’s determined to BE here while we ARE here.  And it’s worth it.  China is mind-blowing, unpredictable and so very interesting.

We had a great double birthday party for him – first at the hotel with a surprise cake and then with our guide at a local restaurant.  If you wrote him, he probably didn’t see it since Facebook isn’t available, so comment here and I’ll relay.

Today we took the bullet train to Xian and tomorrow we will see the Terracotta Warriors.  I am very excited.

I promise to post more soon.  With real content.

But I don’t have any other way to communicate until I figure out why Yahoo has locked me out.  If you’ve tried to reach me with no response, now you know why: many of The Usual Methods do not exist here.  At all.