Julie_amero If you heard a story of a teacher being prosecuted and facing 40 years in prison for exposing kids to pornography because a porn ad page popped up unsolicited while she was teaching, you’d think it was a joke, right?  Everyone understands about pop-ups, right?  This story seems as absurd as the legendary Senator Ted Stevens’ "tubes" speech.

Well apparently not.  In Connecticut, Julie Amero, a seventh grade substitute teacher, faces 40 years in prison for just such an event.  You can read a longer story about it here, on AlterNet.

Fortunately, she at least has some supporters.  I learned of this story from Kelly at Mocha Momma — a committed and very gifted teacher herself.  She is sending all her readers there for the details.  This site’s proprietor, Karoli, not only provides links to backup information; she’s also donating $1 for every posted comment.  In later posts, she adds still more info – and links. Take a look at them – and maybe even the fund itself.  There’s more information there, too.

It’s a very troubling and scary story – not only for the obvious civil liberties and injustices, but also for what it says about technological expertise among the powerful.  What do you think?