It’s a wacky day and I have a big meeting this afternoon but I’m haunted by something and I want to share it.  For the past two days C-Span (my drug of choice) has been broadcasting from New Orleans.  And it’s been sad and scandalous.  This is not a political opinion, this is a fact.  When you listen to the stories and see how little has been done a year later it’s painful.  BUT

What was hardest to hear was that several times – at least three times that I recall – people called in to compare the fast, effective relief DELIVERED BY HEZBOLLAH to bombed out Lebanese to the stunted, slow support they’re receiving down there.  Whatever you think of Hezbollah – it’s a sad commentary that Americans have lost so much faith in their government that they make these sorts of comparisons.  In a way it reminded me of what the Black Panthers used to do in San Francisco and Oakland — social services, daycare etc.  I’m not objectively comparing the two – just what looks like a remarkable strategy.  Read this NYT piece too if it’s not already behind that wall of "Extra."

I know there are real problems; I know that there’s been fraud and it’s important to watch out, I know that people like Cooper Munroe and Emily McKhann made, and are still making, an amazing difference.  Their Beenthereclearinghouse is a miracle.  But on this anniversary it’s something to think about.