You’re Doing What? Trains, Planes and Automobiles (and Us)

It's pouring in Chicago.  We arrived early this morning at the end of Phase One of our Great Adventure.  So you don't feel uninformed, here's the story:

  1. Our son is getting married next Sunday in San Francisco.
  2. My husband has a (we hope recently repaired) detached retina and can't fly until we know the repair worked.
  3. If we had waited until we were sure the surgery was successful, it would have been too late to drive if we had had to. 
  4. We are already fairly broke from tuition and the slow economy so why not spend even more money and take the train? 
  5. (really 4b) it turns out that the train is very expensive. 
  6. We don't have a choice so why fret about 4a? 
  7. There were no seats on the train until Chicago. 
  8. I drove 700 miles yesterday to get us from DC to Chicago to get on the train (retina detachment makes it hard to split the driving.)
  9. Our family doesn't know we took the train because the groom was worried about his dad's eye so our early arrival will be stealthy. (don''t tell)
  10. At least all this is distracting me from the sentimental squishiness that keeps sneaking up on me. 
  11.   You are now ready to return to the present where 

Rick and I are in the Metropolitan Lounge at Union Station in Chicago waiting for the Southwest Chief.  You can see the route above.  Actually I'm more excited than annoyed – it is something we would have never done if we didn't need to.  I can't picture the accommodations – I'm betting on a cross between all those black and white thrillers where people were always chasing each other up and down the aisles and flirting in the bed-sitting rooms and who knows what.  We'll see.  Meanwhile we're in the lounge with about a billion people on an "America by Train" group, with some smoker's coughs, name tags for all, and a pretty friendly environment.  I'm too tired to be friendly though.  Unusual for me.

I will try to post this afternoon but they don't have wireless on the train (WHAAAAT????) and I'm having trouble pairing my blackberry so it's a bit sketchy.  If I can't post I'll keep a diary and post it when I can.   Wish us luck.


68chicagoGrant Park 1968 – in the heart of Chicago.  Grant Park — where my friends and  I were gassed and beaten – terrified and abused – during the Democratic Convention in 1968.  Grant Park – haunted by so much.

Here’s how I remembered it on the 40th anniversary this summer:

I wonder if you can imagine what it felt like to be 22 years old, totally idealistic and what they call “a true believer” and to see policemen behave like that.  To see Chicago Mayor Richard Daley call the first Jewish Senator, Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut, a “kike” (you had to read his lips – there was no audio but it was pretty clear) and to see your friends, and colleagues, and some-time beloveds with black eyes and bleeding scalps.  To be dragged by a Secret Service agent from your place next to Senator McCarthy by the collar of your dress as he addressed the demonstrators, battered, bruised and angry. To see everything you’d worked for and believed in decimated in the class, generational and political warfare.

Grant_park_obamaWhy does this matter, you ask?  Because, this moment – 40 years later — as Barack Obama assumed the leadership of our country with such an elegant speech, informed and supported in part by the values, and people, who fought, bled and wept through those awful days and by a majority of those as young now as we were then and just as committed to the vision they’ve been offered and by an enormous, excited turnout, black and white, — he did so on this same site, in the shadow of the Hilton where we put all the kids with broken heads — and tried to keep the tear gas out of our eyes.  We’ve been haunted by that time for so long, and as far as I can tell, this was an exorcism. As I heard a commentator say this morning: “The culture wars are over.  The Vietnam War is over.”  And not a moment too soon.

Line_from_steps_croppedWhat’s happening is far larger of course.  Yesterday morning we voted in our lovely DC neighborhood, middle class, well-kept, bikes and an excellent walk-to-it elementary school, so of course
there was a long line waiting to vote in a riot of autumn color.  We stood for two hours even though Washington would clearly choose Obama, (and did so with 92% of our votes.) Each individual vote
wasn’t urgently needed.  Instead, it was the need to cast the vote that
was urgent.

Diverse in age and history, largely African-American, our community stood
together, talking, laughing, meeting new friends in front of or behind us
in line.  People had their kids with them, called grown kids on the phone from line and waved at late-arriving neighbors.  It was one of those moments where you feel history all around you, and a remarkable privilege to be voting in such company, who’ve worked through all the years of discord to maintain a civil, multicultural community.  A bonus.

Beyond this landmark day, though, the next months are going to be tough.  As the new White House staff, cabinet and administration form, all this free-floating joy will take on concrete forms that remind us of the huge challenges and risks that face us.  There will be things that disappoint us, and things that make us mad.  The reality that caused people to elect this man will descend upon us in a relentless  economic, social, military and persona avalanche and we may be hard-pressed to remember the joy we felt last night; the promise that has so engaged us.

When that happens, I will think of the older African-American man who called out “shalom” to us in the canvassing orientation when he saw my friend’s yarmulke, of the excited first-voters — just 18 or newly naturalized — whom we met as we walked through one Virginia housing complex after another, of our four-year-old door-bell-ringer beside himself over “Obama” and asking everyone from the supermarket checker to his teachers to vote for him, of my sons last night calling and texting literally across a continent and an ocean, of the day I was electrified by the broadcast of Martin Luther King on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, of the fact that 66% of under-30 voters, so long detached and cynical*, voted for Obama, and, finally, of the distance we have to go – and won’t — unless we work together to resolve each challenge and, perhaps more importantly, each disagreement.

This is a great day.  And a scary one.  And now, as our new president-elect prepares to do his part, we have to resolve to do ours: to work through those disappointments and disagreements, to accept the call to contribute and to sacrifice and, as he and Abraham Lincoln before him asked us, to heed to the “better angels of of our nature.”   They’re there – and we’re going to need them.  If they can show up, and Barack Obama can show up, so can we.

* (speaking of younger voters):  A friend of my sons (a third son, really) sent me this from one of his favorite blogs.  It’s just so sweet.



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Imgoingo7 Boy is this getting exciting!  I’ve been on real deadline rollercoaster and will continue to be but seeing BlogHer at the end of the tunnel makes the journey easier.  If you haven’t gone in the past, I’d give it a try – last year was a real blast.  Here are a couple of photos from then – just to inspire you (Oh and this is not a commercial; no one asked me to write this…)  I think I downloaded most of them from Flickr so they’re borrowed – but fun.

Cooper_jennifer_lauck_mary_tsao Here’s Cooper Monroe (Been There and The Motherhood), Jenny Lauck (Three Kid Circus) and Mary Tsao (Mom Writes)

Lunch_time Posting during lunch.

Come on – it’s really fun and Chicago is a beautiful city.  More here.