Music has always had power over me – and it seems that rather than growing out of it, as I age, it just keeps getting more intense. Oh – and somehow in the second half of my life, Patti Smith  keeps showing up.  Last night I plugged my iPod into my car radio for a drive home from an evening meeting. I opened the sunroof and the windows to the summer night, set the player to "shuffle" and just let it choose.  What emerged?  THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER – the Patti Smith anthem  that closed the final night of the 2004 VOTE FOR CHANGE tour – one of the greatest musical experiences of my life.

So there I was – singing along – beating rhythm through the roof window and just so happy.  Of course the concert tour was unable to produce the change it sought – so maybe the people don’t  always have the power – but even after all the disappointments of my political life – and what for me has been the heartbreak of the past 6 years –the idealism of this song and all that it says: "the people have the power to redeem to work of fools" … and "I believe everything we dream|can come to pass through our union| we can turn the world around|  we can turn the earth’s revolution |  we have the power — People have the power … " still lifts my heart. 

I couldn’t find video of everyone in the tour singing PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER but I did find this and it was so great that even though it’s not what I was writing about, it’s from the same night and  you’ll love it.  Now I have to go do some work.  Enjoy yourselves.

Vote for Change ~ Cleveland ~ Oct 2, 2004